Structure Of The Society
General Body
All professional/Associate/Institutional Members will constitute the General Body will either be 10 members of 1/10th of the total number on the rolls of the Society's register. In case the quorum is not met, the meeting could be adjourned and reconvened after a lapse of at least three hours.
- The Meeting of the General Body shall be held once a year, and the gap between two successive meetings shall not be more than 18 months. The President will convene the Meeting of the General Body. However, an Extraordinary Meeting of the General Body may be called at the decision of the Executives Board or 2/3 rds of the Professional Members on the rolls of the Society.
- The Meeting of the General Body will be Chaired by the President. At least 15 days' notice specifying time, place, date, hour, and the agenda for the meeting shall be given to every Member of the Society. The General Body will discuss the annual report of the President, and approve the audited accounts.
- The General Body shall appoint the Auditors for auditing the accounts of the Society.
- The Members may seek information at the Meeting of the General Body about the work and progress of the society, and make suggestions for the promotion and realisation of the Society's objectives.
- Normally, all major decisions shall be taken at the Meetings of the General Body, by majority vote. However, voting by mail may be used for such decisions in order to ensure expressions of opinions and judgment by the majority of members who cannot always attend Meetings of the General Body due to geographical spread of the Membership. The Secretary, with the approval of the President, shall conduct such postal ballots.
The Office Bearers
- The office Bearers will be elected by and from amongst the professional members of the society in "good standing"
- The President will be the Chief Executive of the Society. The President will:
- Chair Meetings of the General Body, Executive Board, Executive Committee
- Approve agenda for all these Meetings, and postal ballots.
- Approve the annual report of the Society
- Sign all formal contracts and documents.
- The Secretary shall be the secretary of the society, the Executive Board, and the Executive Committee. The Secretary shall, with the approval of the president, call the meetings, and arrange postal ballots, and carry out day-to-day execution of the work of the society.
- The Deans will look after the special areas of activities of ISABS. There will be five Deans for the five areas listed below. These functions can, however, change from time to time, with the approval of the General Body:
- Professional Development,
- programs,
- Research,
- Publications,
- External Linkages.
- The Treasurer shall maintain the books of accounts of the society. He/she will advice the President and the Board regarding monitoring of the financial policies and norms laid down by the Board and the Executive Committee from time to time.
- Regional Coordinators will be responsible for ISABS' activities in the regions demarcated by the Board. He/ She would monitor inter-phase work of the candidates for Professional Development in the region in consultation with the Dean, Professional Development, and undertake activities to promote ISABS' objectives in the region.
- A Regional Coordinator may constitute a Regional Committee to carry out the work of the Regional Chapter. The Regional Coordinators, nominated by the Board, shall develop programs and activities in consultation with the Executive Board.
Each Dean will form his/her Committee which will be approved of by the Executive Board.
Executive Board
- ISABS shall have an Executive Board consisting of 15 Members: President, Secretary, Past President , 5 Deans, Treasurer, and 6 Regional Coordinators.
- The term of the Executive Board shall be for a period of three calendar years. The Board shall lay down the broad policy guidelines regarding the Society's activities, Membership, financial matters, and future development and growth. It shall also be the trustee of the society.
- The Board shall have the ultimate authority for establishing external linkages, opening up of new regional chapters, and acquisition and disposal of the fixed assets and property of the Society.
- The Board shall meet at least once a year.
- The Board Meeting will be chaired by the President.
- The quorum of the Board will be five Members.
Executive Committee
- The Executive Committee of ISABS will consist of five members drawn from the Executive Board of the Society.
- The following will be the Members of the Executive Committee:
- The President (current)
- Past President
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- One person nominated by the Executive Board out of its Members.
- The Executive Committee shall have a term of three calendar years, coterminal with the tenure of the Executive Board . It will meet at least twice a year. The quorum of any meeting will be three members.
- The Executive Committee will be responsible for:
- annual conferences
- training and development programs
- administration of ISABS
- implementation of the policies approved of by the Board of ISABS.
- Financial management of ISABS
- The President will preside over the Executive Committee and be responsible for the effective administration of the Society.
Regional Chapters
- The Board of ISABS will: a. demarcate/approve of Regions, and b. appoint one Coordinator for each Regional Chapter.
- The Regions may develop their own operating procedures consistent with ISABS' objectives. The Regional Chapters may organize programs, and assist the national body in organizing Events, and in providing facilities/guidance to the candidates of professional Development in the region.
- Regional Coordinators shall submit audited statements of the accounts of the Regional Chapters to the Treasurers of the Society, to be consolidated in the accounts of the society, for presentation to the General Body.