- The Society is not organised for profit, and all its income and property shall be applied solely towards the furtherance of the Society's aims and objectives.
- No dividend/bonus or any other form of profit-sharing, shall be paid to the members.
- The money belonging to the Society shall be deposited in a Scheduled Bank, or invested in securities or long-term deposits, etc., decided upon by the Board. The account(s) shall be in the name of the Society and will be operated jointly by the President and the Treasurer. The Board may authorise opening up of Special Accounts for specific purposes, such as research, publications, etc., and may advise the Bank of the names of the persons who will operate the accounts.
- All financial investments shall be with the approval of the Board of ISABS.
- The accounts of the Society shall be audited at least once a year by the Auditors appointed by the General Body.