Ethics Statement # 1
Professional Members are aware of the objectives of the programme and have common agreement about the broad design of the programme. Professional Members make reasonable efforts to determine whether the programme has accomplished its intended objectives and has not had undesired consequences for participants.
Ethics Statement # 2
When describing a programme to the prospective participants, professional members will candidly explain its goals, risks, limitations and anticipated outcomes, consistent with the published descriptions of that particular program.
When implementing a program, professional members will faithfully adhere to the description of the program as advertised. Professional members will not knowingly deviate from the published program description without both a clearly defined rationale based on the learning goals of the participants and the informed consent of the participants to any proposed change.
Ethics Statement # 3
Professional members will make all reasonable efforts to determine whether their programmes have accomplished the announced goals, and to determine whether their programs have had unintended or undesired consequences for participants.
Professional members will do whatever is professionally possible and ethically appropriate to remedy the effects of any undesired consequences, and will not attempt to cover up any undesired consequences of their programs.
Professional Members will actively solicit and respond with an open mind to feedback regarding their work; and seriously examine program designs and their own professional skills for ways to improve.