Page 27 - Here_n_Now_Vol28__Jul2015
P. 27

It touched the soul of many who attended. The Group was         Silence is Creator of a religion
asked to listen noise while they were requested to extend
their imagination to move beyond the physical body. It was      Silence is creator of religion but it may lose its own value of
step by step, rhythmic and cogent move to reconnect with        sensing its own impact. If doer does not take stock of its deeds
universe in one’s silence. One of them wrote a powerful         - deeds alone would not measure its outcome. Silence enables
quote from Bible of Humanityout of his experience after the     me to act like an effective watch-man of my own treasure
session was over; Michelet Jules “Bible of Humanity”            within. Let us ask therefore, I told, “Am I the creator of the
1877TransVincenozo Calfa. New York, J W Bouton.                 religion that bind people together in different bundles or am I
                                                                piece of skeleton with flesh and blood bundled together -
“What a happy age of ours! The soul of the earth is             unwilling and helpless to move out of the bundle to serve the
harmonized by telegraph lines united in its present…though      humanity. Can I extend my reach and connect to world within—
the lines of history and its comparison of different eras, it   the subconscious self. Yes I can if I listen to its inner noise.”
offers a sense of praternal past.” He shared that experience    Silence offers the power of stillness in quest of being.
of listening our own voice had offered the joy of knowing       We fully agree that convergence of self -exploration process
that soul has lived in the same spirit. I am a Christian by     may reach the doorstep of spirituality. Meaning of self-
birth but I strongly believe that religion is comprised within  exploration, on a pure rudimentary basis sets a person towards
realm of spiritual activity but; spiritual activity is not      inward looking. Thus ability of a person to live with oneself in
contained within religion”, he added.                           the moments of group silence brings new insights of self. Most
                                                                of the poetic insights like the one below has opened new
 I am aware of several of my colleagues in ISABS whose          dimensions of self with all authenticity during our small group
 ability to convert silence into powerful learning insights     processwork.
 have been remarkable. Example of Late Dharni and Sujits’       Indian Society for Applied Behavioral Science(ISABS) is strongly
 style of intervention during silence have been classical       focused on small group process work. Its recent publication
 model for many. Sujit Bhatacharjee’s ability to live with      (Rhythms and Rhymes isabs 2004 op cit)as compilation of
 groups’ silence and move within everyone during that           poetic insights of several learners has touched the soul of the
 process with remarkable level of empathy and                   author in taking out this piece..
 connectivity was an incredible power that he possessed.
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