Page 32 - Here_n_Now_Vol28__Jul2015
P. 32

during his toughest time.” I was not prepared for this, but   He shared about the many things that needed to be done
mustered courage to join him. My uncle, with his team of      on the home front and asked me to get some of them
doctors, started the procedure and it was done in 45          done. I listened quietly to him and Mom left us to
minutes. Dad was very awake with the numbing injection        ourselves. I thought he had finished what he had to share,
given to him, and I was holding his hand all throughout the   so I got up to see if I should get some snacks. He remained
procedure. He was kind of fine during the whole thing but     silent for a moment and said, “Baby, I was always proud of
once we were done, and the rest of the family joined us in    you”. This was unexpected. I had thought all along that I did
the observation room, he just broke down uncontrollably.      not mean anything to him and now hearing this was
And this was the first time I was witnessing my Dad cry so    unbelievable. I was so dumb stuck that I didn’t talk about
badly. None of us could console him.                          this to anyone at home. In an elated state, I couldn’t get
                                                              much sleep that night. All my bad memories of missing my
After three months at the hospital, we brought him back       Dad were getting rubbed off during those crucial moments.
home and then there were the weekly check-up visits to        I was feeling light as a feather.
the hospital. My sister and I took turns to accompany him.
These trips to the hospital served to connect us back in a
big way. We talked about many things, laughed together
and this brought us really close. The next thing was to get
an artificial leg organized for him. This was an exercise by
itself. We tried many options till he found one that he was
comfortable with. So six months from his amputation, there
he was on his feet. Apart from getting a new leg, my father
was a new person. I was happy to see my hero back in

He did see me off to office every day with a very warm
smile and when I got back I ensured to spend some time
with him. My family was getting back all the happy times
we had lost over the years.

One evening, I was sharing with Mom about my day at
office and I saw my Dad walking towards me. I got up to
give him room and he said, “No, sit. I need to talk to you”.

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