Page 25 - Here_n_Now_Vol28__Jul2015
P. 25

Participants would go for their own ‘holiday trip’ in absence  I need to give pause to my life. Activities have taken over my
of any verbal intervention. Group perceives, it as a           life, its meaning and purpose of all that I have been engaged
deliberate strategy of trainer to test their patience of       in”,Henery, General Manager of a USA company shared in the
seeking direction. Ultimately, many trainers fail to live up   group at the end of the day. Trainers’ability to deal with silence
with their own patience and step in with their sarcasm and     in a t- group session is considered to be a powerful skill in
anger as directive intervention. The ‘silence ‘ therefore      facilitation process.
becomes a pawn in the hand of participants to get the’ son     I am aware of several of my colleagues in ISABS whose ability to
of the bitch ‘ .I have heard in the corridor of event          convert silence into powerful learning insights have been
participants speaking-,’ So the guy had to come out finally    remarkable. Example of Late Dharni and Sujits’ style of
.I knew he was keeping a swollen face to test us .”            intervention during silence have been classical model for many.
                                                               Sujit Bhatacharjee’s ability to live with groups’ silence and move
Another group member would say ,” if he is making fun of       within everyone during that process with remarkable level of
us by doing nothing, let him carry on …there must be a         empathy and connectivity was an incredible power that he
game plan by the trainer ” . Mixed perceptions and             possessed.
comments have been pattern of the days evident in the
mid community session .Learners mime, skit and                 However, meditation, reflections and Dhyana are essentially
reflections display strong message of what they have learnt    instruments of self analysis through a guided principle of
through silent posture and body language of trainer. I         learning. The silence observed during small group work often
have tried to categorise the nature of such pattern based      becomes a very powerful intervention and also shows
on what others think and assume appears a clear contrast       milestone for the group journey in terms of self -exploration.
to what trainers assume.                                       “The first day of silence in small group work was so restless and
                                                               boring but second and third day such moments became so
                              See Table.                       enriching. I could see myself and go into trans to connect with
                                                               myself within and examine the feedback that others had given
Seemingly ‘self’ does not make sound yet it does. It makes     to me”, Mona, a professional development group learner
so much noise that we stop listening to our own voice. I       shared in her group learning journal at the end of the week’s
recall my short community session at NTL work few years        experience. I recall a pre-breakfast session that I conducted on
back in Bethel, USA. An early morning session in a cross       “listening to you inner voice” with an intercultural group of
cultural setting. “It was a great moment to examine my self    mostly American participants. It was an experience of closed
that I could not do in my normal t- group session. I was so    eyes with absolute silence in dhyan mudra (posture of
caught up in mundane issues that I have never located the      concentration) that made a humming noise on a rhythmic note.
silent little me a great resource with an inward clarity.
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