Page 31 - Here_n_Now_Vol28__Jul2015
P. 31

But that was not permitted by Mom, and I would never           This time Mom, brother and sister tried really hard to
ever do anything that she did not approve of. She continued    convince Dad to move to the hospital for the amputation
her efforts to keep the family together and was the            procedure, but he did not heed to them and said he chose
common source between us.                                      to die rather than part with his leg.

Then one afternoon, on a busy workday, I got a call from       My Mom turned to me and said, “Baby it is time for you to
Mom asking me to get home as early as possible, she never      talk to your Dad and help him stay with us.” Not
gave me a reason. She had asked both my elder siblings         understanding her state, I snapped back, “Ma, if he
also to get home. Really worried, all of us rushed home. We    chooses to go, we should let him go”. My mother got up
saw my uncle, a practicing surgeon sitting by my father on a   and walked away quietly with tears in her eyes.
couch. He sat us all down and said my Dad has been             This was a sight I couldn’t stand. Something struck within
diagnosed with Diabetics and his current levels were           me that said it was time I stood by my Mom.
shooting beyond the safe zone and we need to get him on        It was tea time, so I walked into the kitchen, made a cup a
medication ASAP.                                               tea and handing it to Mom, I said, “I will do whatever it
                                                               takes to keep Dad with us”.
It was supposed to be family time to figure out a way out of
this situation, but Dad just shooed us away saying he would    Then mustering all the courage, I stepped into Dad’s room.
manage. We had no option but to give him some space to         He was groaning in pain. He saw me and chose to ignore
cope with the situation.                                       me. I sat quietly for some time, just recalling the good and
                                                               bad times I had with this man lying there in pain today.
Weeks later, things turned bad - a small wound on his leg      While I was lost in my thoughts, Dad asked “Why are you
was getting worse. Uncle dropped by again and warned us        here?” I just managed to utter “I am your strong little girl
that this could get serious, and that we should move him       and I promise to support you”. There was deep silence for a
to a hospital. But Dad never agreed and started resorting to   couple of moments and both of us were looking at each
all sorts of weird self-medications which worsened his         other with tears filled in our eyes.
wound. Two weeks from then, his shin had turned
completely black and there were severe signs of gangrene.      Later that evening , we shifted Dad to the hospital and next
Uncle managed to get some expert doctors home for a            morning he was ready for the operation theatre. While we
check and they gave us the final bad news. My Dad had to       anxiously waited outside, my uncle came out of the
get a part of this lower leg amputated to save his life. They  operation theatre and said, your Dad wants you to be with
said there were only 24 hours to get on with the procedure.    him during the procedure. I was flabbergasted and refused
                                                               to get in. But then, uncle said “You need to be there with

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