Page 24 - Here_n_Now_Vol28__Jul2015
P. 24

Power of Stillness In Quest Of Being                         T group- and power of silence.

I have come to believe, over the years, that true            I have seen myself more vivid and crystal clear in my silence
sensitivity is better expressed in silence lesser in words.  during the small group work . Silence gave me power to
Even when I choose my words of comfort, they would           reflect and re-examine. I have been most active inside me
be effective only if they are rooted in silence. One may     in my silence than what other see me during my interactive
smell my spiritual tilt but truly speaking that our words    moments. Very often I am not seen by others what goes
“that stem from the depth of inner silence, their            within me . On the contrary ,there are quite a few who
eloquence is soothing and healing too.”                      have read me better in my silence during small group or
Those who travelled with me found it an experience of        outside group life . In my early days of T group exposure a
communion, a oneness of being that bound us together         veteran of his time late Sujit Bhatacharjee was known for
till date. Yet I found I was within my own self ,on the      using his prolonged silence as prelude to piercing
wheels of my role distant in relation but close to every     intervention to help drive the person deep down at
one sensing and understanding their state of being.          intrapersonal level exploration . I recalled quite a few of
                                                             my labs with him where I used to be his participant and
                                                             also as co trainer in later stage. His power of silence used
                                                             to let the other person ponder deep down floating and
                                                             swimming where his radar of sensing could catch the
                                                             state of emotive being of the specific group
                                                             very simple intervention addressed to the person in focus
                                                             ,’what is happening to you?‘ would eventually break the
                                                             ice. Sujit would just swim thereafter together with person
                                                             .Of course, that has never been the t group of today . Each
                                                             facilitator has unique way of handling ‘ power of silence’ in
                                                             the t group work. In basic lab for human process(BLHP)
                                                             ‘silence’ has been seen very powerful intervention mode
                                                             for many trainers . But it has become a mimic of the day
                                                             for small groups in general -as a set pattern of letting
                                                             group move at its own .

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