Page 34 - Here_n_Now_Vol28__Jul2015
P. 34

Photography requires one to be observant,          1. Through the shapes, darkly: Nothing important,
curious, and present in totality to the            yet it caught my eye. Repetition of patterns often
happenings around. That has been my                attract me like the woman's hair style and a blank
experience. Last year this time, Nayantara         arch here.
came home. Nayantara, my camera.
                                                                                              Subhaashini Ghosh
Watching, observing, anticipating, intuitively                                                PDP
clicking.... more often than not I have found
that when I am present completely in the here
and now, things simply fall into place, in sync .
They make perfect harmony.

For me photography, much like the human
process lab, is a more introspective aspect of
my own viewing experience. A stare often gains
some value when framed through the
viewfinder. I force myself to ignore everything
beyond the view box and try to observe an
ever changing dynamic stage.

A theatre without a plan. Yet, at specific
moments the characters and their surrounding
elements just get in sync. That is when I try to
press the shutter button and freeze this. That is
a decisive moment for me. Of course this is my
own journey and the visions are through my
own window of perception.

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