Page 19 - Here_n_Now_Vol28__Jul2015
P. 19

For the men in Me                                       19

Men of the world unite
We have nothing to lose but our image
Trapped we are,
with the pressure of millions of years
to stay and seed the future

Caricatured by society as
Kings, warriors, magicians, lovers and clowns
Sadists or Masochists, only two choices for women
We have trapped ourselves into these images
and struggle to hold them even when we are not

Who understands our life long journey to
Wean away from our mother's breasts
Only to be entrapped into the lover, wife and daughter
We see each other, but
to seek and give help is not in our image

Men of the world unite
We have nothing to lose but our image
Free we are,
with new ways of being and relating
to the women in us.

          Sankara Subramanyan
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