Page 15 - ISABS Annual Report 2021(1)
P. 15
The genesis of this project comes from the following;
• We received feedback from participants that the current form in LMS is not very
easy to fill in.
• Some professional members thought it did not capture data that they would like
to seek towards their learning. Some PMs thought that accessing their data was
• Questions have been raised often about whether the participants really understand
all the words that they are asked to tick about how they experienced the facilitators
and the co-facilitation experience.
Dean Programmes and Dean Digital Transformation met and discussed the possibility of
addressing these issues.
A committee composed of Sanjiv Sharma, Kakoli Saha, Archana Shrivastava, Tejinder Singh
Bhogal and Kishore Gandhi started working on this project in June 2021.
Ongoing …..
Generating well documented reports after every milestone, to build organizational
knowledge repository and ensure continuity.
Collaboration and support to all Deans and RCs as required
Generating and Developing new ideas to expand the bouquet of offerings of ISABS 13