Page 13 - ISABS Annual Report 2021(1)
P. 13

Outreach Programmes ( May- June 2021)

                        Programme                   Features             Number

                        1.    Empathy Circle        Mixed numbers        96          Outreach Programs were
                                                    of  new & past                   specially designed to address
                        2.    Acceptances to        participants                     the emotional and connection
                           Possibilities                                             needs that all of us have, with
                                                    Empathy Circle was               an intention to be of support
                        3.   The Art and Science of   also run for the PM            during the peak COVID days.
                           Helping                  community.
                                                                                     The same was developed
                                                    TTT sessions for                 by Deans DoP and Dean
                        4.   Resilience and         Empathy Circle were              SD. Primary responsibility
                           helplessness             also conducted by                of execution was with Dean
                                                    Deans DoP and SD.                programmes.

                       Consulting Assignments

                        Client            Status                Type and No. of        Brief
                                                                Participants           Description
                        Nirma University   2 Batches completed   Students              3.5 days semi structured
                                                                Batch1 -38             Tgroup lab and Appreciative
                                                                Batch 2 - 28           enquiry
                        IIM Trichy        Completed             Students of            3.5 days semistructured
                                                                PGPMHR - 32            T group
                        Khamir            Completed             Mixed staff - 12       Empathy Circle

                        CRY               Completed             Mixed staff -74        Empathy Circle.
                                                                                       Client developed by
                                                                                       Dean SD and Dean
                                                                                       DoP. EC execution by
                                                                                       Dean Programmes
                        NABARD            Completed             Lady Officers -31      3 days semistructured
                                                                                       T Group

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