Page 18 - ISABS Annual Report 2021(1)
P. 18

From the Desk of Regional

                                               Coordinator North

                                               Kumud Kalia Issar

                       Monthly Meetings

                       As usual monthly meetings were held regularly.
                       “Here and Now” in the context of Lab setting facilitated by Ramesh Galohoda.
                       Prayer Meeting to celebrate life of Dr. Paryag Mehta. “Design Thinking- An Innovative Tool”
                       Few insights for T-Group Trainers facilitated by Amitabh Jha.

                       “Social Recognition: Dilemma of Ownership and Acceptance” on the eve of Nagendra’s
                       Award for Social Excellence as Social Entrepreneur awarded by ISEE,IARI, New Delhi and BHU
                       Varanasi (UP).
                       facilitated by Dr. NP Singh.

                       Sabrang 2021

                       Northern Region organized an in person Learning Event SABRANG 2021  from 19  December
                       to 23  December,2021 in ZORBA the BUDDHA, Ghitorny, N. Delhi.
                       Due diligence for following the norms laid down by the Government of India was followed to
                       combat the Covid and Omicron threat looming large all around. All participants and faculty
                       members submitted the Covid Vaccination Certificate before starting of the event. Masks and
                       sanitizers were part of the kit distributed to all participants and the faculty members. Social
                       distancing was maintained.

                       The high lights of the event are as follows,

                       Total No. of Labs                            Medium of Expression
                       BLHP        04                               English       03 BLHP
                       ALHP        01                                             01 ALHP

                       TOTAL       05                               Hindi         01 BLHP

                       Number of Participants                       Faculty Members 10
                       BLHP           33                            Anupama Sharma
                       ALHP           05                            Ashu Issar Kumud

                       Total          38                            Kirpal Singh

   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20   21   22   23