Page 39 - Here_n_Now_Vol28__Jul2015
P. 39

A few years ago, I had a memorable opportunity of getting      I eventually asked some of my group members to join me but
a learning stint in ISABS BLHP process. Before I went for      they preferred the bus tour. In the afternoon, I started my
the training, I had a vague but respectful idea about ISABS    lonesome journey. The villages in Goa reminded me of the
labs which I gathered through interactions with senior         scenes of Kerala villages, full of greenery and houses lying
colleagues who had attended them. It seemed an                 separate from one another. The fields in between villages
honorable opportunity to participate in one. It was more       were pleasing sights. The shops in near villages had usual
so, as the event was being held at Goa, the Las Vegas of       scenes of squatting people passing time.
India. The venue selected was Dona Sylvia Resort, an
exhaustively beautiful premise. It had all the facilities one  I was in search of a beach - small, pristine and not crowded -
can long for- swimming pool, gym, TT tables, badminton         hence I asked the people intermittently on the road to guide
hall, thick canopy of trees to sit, open dining space for fun  me. I could locate three to four of them but I was actually
dining, comfortable rooms etc., the best part being the        looking for a suitable beach to sit or lie down in. Eventually I
sea beach which was just around 200 meters from the            landed at a seemingly suitable beach which was just near a
premise. Going for a walk in evenings was great fun. The       small village, and not crowded.
Goan fish curry in the restaurants was my favorite, which I
relished. It was a training programme, more suitable to be                                                                                39
called a dream holiday trip. To my pleasure, I happened to
meet some of my old school/ college mates there. To top
it all, I got a nice gentleman, Mr. Rajan from Chennai, as
my roommate. The stay and the overall training ambience
was just excellent. I can’t thank my seniors and my
organization enough for this opportunity.

The lab went on like a slow walk, very boring at first, but
progressively exploratory as the process went on. On the
last day, the hotel had arranged for a paid trip around
Panaji. Most of the participants eyed for it. As I had seen
Panaji earlier with my wife I looked for some more
interesting time for myself. I hired a bullet motor cycle
from a nearby hiring shop and planned to explore the
beautiful countryside of Goa.
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