Page 37 - ISABS Annual Report 2021(1)
P. 37
From the Desk of Dean
Professional Excellence
Dilip Panniker
In the current year, there have been a some initiatives taken by the Dean PE. Some of these
are a continuation from the previous year, while others are fresh initiatives that were taken up
according to situations that have arisen.
1. Collaboration to sharpen the definition of “member in good standing”: The
memorandum has a definition of “good standing” for Professional Members. However,
in the report of the Memorandum Review Committee in 2015 suggested some changes
to be made in this definition. Accordingly, a team comprising Joy, Vara, Shaila, and
Dilip deliberated these proposed changes and made some additions to make the
definition more robust so that it encompasses issues that have come up since the
time of the 2015 report. Additionally, the changes proposed to the definition also
delineate the steps to be taken by the Board as well as the PM concerned to restore
“good standing” of a member if this status has been suspended for any of the reasons
mentioned. This new definition of “good standing” will be presented at the next AGM
for ratification.
2. Collaboration with Deans PDP regarding staffing of PDP labs: The staffing of PDP
labs has been a contentious issue within the organization for a considerable duration.
One possible solution is to have available a process of competency enhancement for
all PMs that would make us eligible to staff PDP labs. This work has been taken up
by others as well in the tenures of previous Boards, but has remained incomplete for
various reasons. The initiative envisages building on the work done previously to create
a robust and acceptable system for the enhancement of skills and competencies of
the PM community for this purpose. A paper on this has been created by Dean PE and
initial discussions with the Deans PDP has already begun.
3. Renewal of Professional Membership for the purpose of staffing labs: ISABS
seems to be an ageing organization, to the extent that the average age of the PM
community is increasing. With age comes other difficulties that may make it arduous
for some PMs to be able to staff a lab to the best of their ability. Having said this, age
(and it’s associated debilitations) is only an example of why some of us may not be able
to adequately acquit ourselves while facilitating labs. Further, there is also the question
of some PMs who return to staff labs after very long breaks. While the wisdom of all 35