Page 35 - ISABS Annual Report 2021(1)
P. 35

There is nothing such as finality of things/ thoughts/ feelings or answers. Everything that happens
                       within people is a dynamic process and in constant movement. It’s important to find meaning
                       in the grey zone and not keep looking for black or white, definite answers. Possibilities and
                       learnings lie in the grey zone.

                          3.  Concepts Learnt
                          a.   Witness consciousness – helps me to practice reflection in action

                          b.   Multi-voices – I realize that while paying attention to multiple voices, domination happens
                              through frames of references – right/wrong, goo/bad

                          c.   Co-genesis – there is no absolute polarity. Everything happens in continuum Articles:
                          d.   Repairing Ruptures

                          e.   Qualitative Method for analysing Multi-voice
                          f.   Imaginal Dialogues in the Self Sharing

                       Understanding phenomenology (its branches) and DST, and to an extent the rigour it takes in
                       understanding and living it. Some direct experience of interviewing, being interviewed and coding
                       responses from the interviews.

                          4.  Application of Learning
                       It’s just been 4 months for me and I see a difference in the way I relate – both within myself and to
                       the external world. I have a renewed Self-compassion – an appreciation for what happens inside
                       me that leads me to make the choices that I do.
                       The most significant change I am observing is an increasing unwillingness to stay in a “victim”
                       mode. Through understanding of the subjective experience, I am enabling myself to take
                       responsibility for my actions and also not to take blame for other’s actions

                       In the role of a facilitator, this lens helps me appreciate group work in a new light. The tendency
                       to move away from the often used labels for processes is one. Appreciating the unique-ness of
                       lived experience of people in the group is another

                       When I tried to understand this fear from DST lens, I discovered that all of these fears have come
                       to me from my conditioning via, parents, teachers and other sources and have become my
                       dominant voices (my inner other and social positions were quite strong).
                       Trying to re-examine few strong voices like –
                       “Success is important” to “what’s my definition of success”

                       “I don’t know this enough” to “Try to take it slow and figure out”
                       “I don’t deserve this” to “I am worthy”

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