Page 30 - Here and Now June 2022
P. 30

Questions for reflection

               While the experience of reading this book was truly illuminating, there also were some questions which
               we  would  like to  leave  the  readers with.    Considering  T-Group  is  not therapy  -  Is  the  discovery  and
               awareness of the process as seen in T-Groups enough to sustain changes we see in the T-Group ?
                   ●  Is unconditional acceptance and positive regard possible - what are the challenges?
                   ●  Journey of becoming -what are the obstacles encountered? ---does this journey end at all?
                   ●  Does  not  the  human  potential  movement,  by  giving  far  more  weightage  to  individual
                       responsibility, dilute the fight against unequal power relations and unjust structures ?
                   ●  What are the implications of power in the hands of the therapist/ facilitator in practice?
                   ●  Does  it  resonate  with  the  Indian  tradition  of acquiring  knowledge  through  self-enquiry  and
                       experience? Is it not a case of dominance of western thought over Indian tradition of self-enquiry?
               To sum up

               Before I manage my emotions, I have to accept my emotions

               Before acceptance, I have to identify my emotions
               Before identifying, I have to acknowledge my emotions

               Before acknowledgement, I have to be honest with myself

               AND THAT TAKES WORK


                                                                      Note:  This  write  up  is  prepared  from  the
                                                                      presentation made as part of ISABS Books
                                                                      and  Concepts  Review  Learning  Circle  on  2
                                                                      February 2022.

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