Page 23 - Here and Now June 2022
P. 23

How far have I come, and how little have I achieved?

               The journey so far has been full of chances since it started,
               I have had every planned step of mine thwarted,
               Every turn has changed, every road has strayed while I took it,
               Many of my people, many a person challenged my beliefs and shook it.
               I made a lot of turns and twists, broke a few rules, signals jumped,
               Each time for a new reason, or person, or for that case, people dumped.
               Some change was made on purpose, some by happenstance, some with happiness, some made me sad,
               Some people changed, some people changed me, some situations made me go mad.
               Destiny made me go off the plan, sometimes for my efforts in vain,
               As much as I tried to be in a straight lane, I had to veer off the course, much to my disdain.
               My list of achievements was always events, and the recognition that I received,
               I sit back and realize I haven't earned people, and this challenges everything that I believed.
               I realize I collected things more than original thoughts,
               I spoke less to people, and perhaps more with human bots.
               This makes me ponder, how much have I given, how much I have received,
               How far have I come, and how little have I achieved...?

               I have come this far, because I could,
               but now I want to live the life that I possibly should.
               After today, I don't intend to stop at what I have built so far,
               I wish to claim what is rightly mine, my benchmark is my north star.
               At this point, I decide that I no longer shall seek,
               I will not lower my hand towards people, not to sound meek.
               I am pushing myself so hard, that those who find me, will come ahead to meet,
               Those who need me will reach, the ones who don't, will definitely retreat.
               I intend to define the narrative, and then be the thought hereafter,
               I intend not to seek, but to be sought after.
               I push myself each day a little more to stay on course, push myself a little more than I believed,
               I ponder over and over, how far have I come, and how little have I achieved...

               ~Dipen Sharma

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