Page 21 - HERE AND NOW Dec 2022
P. 21

so many clothes don’t fit me,  even some furniture is redundant, but I keep them because of the memories
               associated with them.
               Many times I decide to throw away something, but then end up smuggling it back into the house because
               it reminds me of something else! On the other hand there are the needs and demands of my lifestyle
               today that I cannot accommodate because of this clutter. The few times that I have managed to shed
               some of this collected baggage, I have ended up feeling so good. So happy with the space created that I
               wait for the next such moment. Luckily I did some spring cleaning in my house and my mind recently, so I
               am in a good place.
               Letting go is a good thing. You might want to try it!

                                                                   Meeta Vadera. MBA (PM-IR) from XLRI. She has
                                                                   been an HR professional for 30 years, and still
                                                                   carries these labels to introduce herself till can
                                                                   find new ones.  In reality as per the accepted
                                                                   definition of work, she is not currently working,
                                                                   but she likes what she is e whatever I am doing.
                                                                   I call it holding the stillness space. I am not fond
                                                                   of  social  media  but  can  be  reached  at

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