Page 16 - Here and Now June 2022
P. 16

In a filmy way I can say,  “I got another life due to ISABS”

               And thus the title of my life journey with ISABS— Another life, another lifetime

               So all in all it has been a worth while ride and the wonderful friends I made in the bargain are just the
               cherry on top of a delicious cake.

                                                    Sunita works at Four Rooms of Change Group, Sweden. It is the
                                                    conscious,  consistent  practice  of  this  theory  and  model  that
                                                    brought  her  the  realisations  that  she  shares.  She  says  with
                                                    confidence that more than a professional degree it is life seen
                                                    from the Four Rooms lens that has taught her the lessons that
                                                    defines  who  she  is  today.  You  can  reach  her  at

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