Page 45 - HERE AND NOW Dec 2022
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Regional updates 2022

               Southern – Hema Sekhar

               In June - we attempted an in-person regional meeting. But as the attendance was rather low, we decided
               to go back to online meetings.

               In September, we held a Regional Event in Bangalore. There were 6 labs: 1 Kannada BLHP , 4 English BLHP
               , and 1 ALHP. In all, 48 participants attended: 26 women and 22 men. We felt very heartened at the
               increasing number of women attending our events. We had facilitators from all regions and a really
               diverse group of participants, making for a rich learning event.

               On the joyous occasion of the launch of ISABS book 'T Group Facilitation-Theory and Practice of Applied
               Behavioral Science,’  Lalitha Iyer ( Co-author and Co-editor of the book) shared  her perspectives on
               Applied Behavioral Science at an online Southern Region meeting. The session was based on the chapter
               she wrote for the book, the first chapter in the book. We had a wonderful interactive session.
               Western – Sonali Kelkar


               The Western Zone September Regional Event, an n-person event, was held in Nasik. We had 4 labs: 3
               BLHPs and 1 ALHP. There were 31 participants – 11 of them from the social sector - and an observer. The
               event went of very well indeed with keen involvement of all present
               Wisdom Circles, an initiative mooted and anchored by Professional member Sankara Subramanyan for 2
               years were held over the year. Each session had a professional member make a presentation on some
               aspect of Applied Behavioral Science, followed by discussion. This year’s Wisdom Circles were as follows:

                   1.  Gender processes in T Groups - by Uma Jain
                   2.  Creative Action methods - by TT Srinath
                   3.  Tavistock Approach to Group Relations - by Anuradha Prasad
                   4.  Gestalt OD - by Sushma Sharma
                   5.  An Introduction to Hypnosis and how it plays out in T Groups - by Khirod Pattanayak

               Activities in Pune

               Online Sessions were held on a range of topics related to ABS and T-Groups:
                   ➢  1. June'22- Anxiety and Group Processes - Facilitator -Tina Ratra

                   ➢  2. July'22 - Authority and Group Processes - Facilitator Prachi Kelker

                   ➢  3. Aug'22 - Rules of confrontation - Facilitator- Aroon Joshi
                   ➢  4. October'22 - Reflections from the lab: ODCP batch 14 - Facilitators - Aroon, Aishwarya and

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