Page 42 - HERE AND NOW Dec 2022
P. 42

Connection, Co-creation, and Celebration!

               Behind the scenes planning for ISABS Golden Jubilee 2022

               The Golden Jubilee (GJ) group to design and execute the 50  anniversary celebrations was set up
               by Joy, our President, early in 2021. Raji, Ruchi and Joy were the members. I joined this group
               much later in the year. Payal and Sunita joined towards the beginning of 2022.

               When individuals or institutions celebrate a milestone, they tend to approach them at two levels
               – action level and reflection level. Action in celebration is a spontaneous joyful expression of the
               gathering.  Behaviorally, one would witness activities, fun, games, music, dance, cake-cutting and
               so on. In contrast, reflection is a process of bringing back memories of the past, distilling the
               learning  from  the  journey  and  contemplating  the  future.  Behaviorally,  one  would  witness
               storytelling, honoring the contributions of members and envisioning the future as a community.

               It was clear to our group that we needed a blend of both action and reflection in our design. But
               implementing such a design, especially in a diverse community like ISABS, was not an easy task.
               Some of our colleagues can break into a song or dance at the drop of a hat and some would like
               serious introspection as a community on our contributions and failures as a society. The challenge
               was to honor and blend both these processes.

                The post-pandemic scenario in the country posed an additional challenge. ISABS hadn’t met as
               a  community  for  the  past  two  years  since  no  in-person  events  were  held  during  the  Covid
               pandemic. Many of us were looking forward to meeting friends and colleagues in person and
               hence the need for interpersonal connection was high.

               The challenge was to design a two-day event that honored and enabled all the three processes -
               connection, reflection, and action. We made these the three themes for our design – Connection,
               Co-creation, and Celebration!

               Creating the themes was the easier part of the job! Converting these themes to a workable
               design, keeping in mind the venue, the number of people coming in, our culture of music, poetry
               and  movement,  the  weather  in  Goa  and  our  own  inclinations  was  the  tougher  part.  Long
               processes of dialogue, critiquing, conflicts, feedback, and our own reflections helped the design
               to emerge from these themes. In retrospect, I must admit that our own microcosmic processes
               of connection, co-creation and celebrations helped us to imagine the larger macrocosm of the GJ

               We divided the tasks amongst us where Ruchi and Raji focused on the connection and celebration
               dimensions – the session on writing, poetry and drumming and the party. Payal and I took up the
               design of sessions on co-creation, while Joy focused on the formal session along with all the gifts
               to be given, people to be honored, etc. Sunita took responsibility for communication. In addition

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