Page 3 - Here_n_Now_Vol28__Jul2015
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Dear Readers of Here & Now,

Very warm greetings to friends and co-travelers of ISABS! It has been quite pleasantly surprising to see,
on the one hand, how people have chosen to contribute in a similar fashion – through poems, articles,
or be it concept paper or the other aspect is to see how diverse the topics have been to share what
each person has wished to convey.

As it is sometimes said, things happen when we let them be and I could see how the threads started to
weave a beautiful way to ‘express’. We have great joy in bringing you the first part of this edition

Expressing is a fundamental right. How one chooses to express – is it through lyrical beauty, silence,
through a picture or portrait, by sharing an experience that is so close to one’s heart? Is it to express
the moral policing of the right to expression? What are the consequences of being myself? Am I able to
be myself the way I wish to be? What is the price I pay to remain silent or speak up? How do I open the
channels of communication?

These are some tough, challenging and reflective questions that the authors have faced and
somewhere the readers too. Request you as readers, to reflect and share your views and we shall be
happy to publish them in the next issue of Here & Now. Hoping to hear more voices that would
enthuse and encourage us to bring the next edition of ‘Expressions’ – Part Two. Till then, enjoy

With warm wishes,
Rajeshwari L

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